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Photo of Dara Weinberg

Dara Weinberg


Dara Weinberg is a writer and theater person, originally from Los Angeles, often to be found in Poland. Forms related to the Greek chorus are an ongoing obsession. She is a doctoral student in Creative Writing, through Bath Spa University’s remote PhD. Her thesis is titled Invitation to Poland: A Memoir.

Texts for performance: Washington National Opera (American Opera Initiative), the Maryland Science Center, Cincinnati’s NaNo Opera Works, Opera America, the Kraków Jewish Culture Festival, the Touch Theatre (Dotknij Teatru) Festival in Łódź, Baltimore’s Artscape Festival, and the DC Fringe with MOVEiUS Contemporary Ballet.

Writing:,,, American Theatre Magazine, and elsewhere.
Directing: California, Oregon, Colorado, Maryland, Germany, Poland, and Hungary.
Teaching: Creative writing, theater, film, and media studies at universities in the US and Poland since 2009; many chorus and poetry workshops for actors and students.

In Kazimierz, Kraków. Photo by Dara Bramson

She holds degrees from Johns Hopkins (MFA, Writing Seminars) and Stanford and is the recipient of two Fulbright grants to study Polish theater.

She has co-founded two theater ensembles in the US: the Indy Convergence (IN) and Parallel Octave (MD).