Mark Brownell
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- Biography
Mark Brownell is a Toronto-based playwright, actor, librettist, and educator. Mark’s plays include Monsieur d’Eon Is a Woman (which was nominated for the Governor General’s Literary Award,) High Sticking, Medici Slot Machine (nominated for the Dora Mavor Moore Outstanding New Play Award,) War of the Clowns, Clique Claque, The Barbecue King (with Steve Thomas,) The Martha Stewart Project, and an adaptation of Three Men in a Boat. The opera Iron Road (libretto by Brownell, music by Chan Ka Nin,) won the Dora Mavor Moore Award for Best New Musical. He currently teaches at George Brown College, The Toronto Film School, and the University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies. He is also Co-Artistic Director of the Pea Green Theatre Group with his wife and partner Sue Miner, with whom he wrote Break A Leg! An Actors Guide to Theatrical Practices, Phrases, and Superstitions.